2 min citit | Actualizat 05 Dec 2020 | Categorie API | User AvatarAlin Ionut

Status Codes

Hello World Developers! Main API Documentation is available at https://docs.bitcanuck.ca/api.

The below list output the most common status codes that our API will output throw our vast endpoints.

Other status codes may be returned by some endpoints, thus you should check the API main documentation at the specific endpoint.

Code Information Extra
200 Success Returned by all GET endpoints
201 Created Returned by all POST endpoints
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301 Moved Permanently Returned by all endpoints when URL has been changed
302 Found Returned by all endpoints when user is unauthenticated and header is not Accept: application/json
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401 Unauthorized Returned by all endpoints when authentication is needed
403 Forbidden Returned by all endpoints when access is restricted
404 Not Found Returned by all endpoints when endpoint do not exists
405 Method Not Allowed Returned by all endpoints when method is incorrect
408 Request Timeout Returned by all endpoints when server timeout
409 Conflict Returned by all endpoints when your request is in conflict with something
422 Unprocessable Entity Returned by all endpoints when data validation fails
429 Too Many Requests Returned by all endpoints when throttling is exceeded
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500 Internal Server Error Returned by all endpoints when server has an error

If this do not answer your questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Mergi Sus