08 November 2022
- Kernel upgrade to latest version.
- In all related endpoints, show user linkDetails when user is registered and act for a platform.
- Change email and phone quota reverify to 3 attempts/day.
- Include fiat balances in balance index endpoint, and retrieve all assets available in platform with respective user balances.
- Fix issue with different wallet network when confirm quote.
- Quote extra check when limits are presented and round based on precision.
- Quote cancel endpoint.
- All operation pages include any other asset available operations at a glance switch.
- Show Payment and Reserve balances in Dashboard and Markets sections.
- Country is required on register.
- Handle memo where assets required on all wallet inputs.
- Handle fiat deposit with Credit Card or Bank Transfer.
- Handle WithdrawIco operation if available.
- Meta type as Textarea.
- Section to display all NFT assets.
- Possibility to import NFT assets in order to update all properties as desired.
- Display meta keys in Assets section.
- Meta type link available to display a desired URL to customers.
- Allow checkout creation without email and phone details.
- Fixes to correct redirect to start point when KYC standalone pages are accessed from checkout or quote.
- Allow widget creation without email and phone details.
- Filters for NFT Products and Collections.
- Meta type as Textarea.
10 October 2022
- Kernel upgrade to latest version.
- Support for fiat asset balances.
- Support for buy/sell payment method with fiat balance if available and operation allows it.
- New Payment operation available for assets as main and second operation.
- Integrate fiat balances in currencies API endpoint.
- Deposit and withdraw support for fiats.
- Partner settlements API endpoint.
- Various improvements on the queries around user impersonated by platform.
- Support for NFT unminted purchases.
- More strict quote store endpoint payload validations.
- Balance endpoint output 2 new balances for assets: payment and reserve.
- Display fiat balances in Markets page if any operations available for them: deposit, transfer or withdraw.
- UI improvements on order histories in all sections, specially on responsive.
- Markets show only assets with at least one operation available or any user balance available.
- Markets include payment and reserve balances in Other balances section.
- Handle memo tags on withdraw operations correctly where assets required it.
- Changes around buy and sell pages to support fiat balance payment.
- Display user available balances in asset info pages.
- Integrate Transfer confirmation page in app.
- At a glance Trade as information when you account have a Company attached.
- Fix for email change confirmation email.
- Display fiat balances in Markets page if any operations available for them: deposit, transfer or withdraw.
- Fix avatar display.
- Fix for email change confirmation email.
- Fix avatar display.
- New role available in partner: Owner.
- Settlement section available for platform owner only.
- Handle Payment operation type.
- Display limits in amount inputs.
- Log any page loaded as API interaction for platform.
14 September 2022
- Kernel upgrade to latest version.
- NFT support.
- Tags support.
- Platform request to private User KYC details endpoint.
- User accept/reject access to KYC details endpoint.
- NFT endpoints to list products, collections and created/owned products.
- Tags endpoints.
- Fix API invite endpoint when entity ID is passed.
- More filters for endpoints to handle NFT products type.
- Complete redesign of Buy and Sell pages to be user friendly and snappier on response, powered by Quote API.
- Integrate Quote history page, along with Quote confirmation page.
- Possibility to accept/reject access to platforms on your KYC details.
- Dashboard page performance improvements.
- Markets page advance filter for Crypto, integrated with Tags based on categories, and display other balances donut chart and trend price.
- Integrate Crypto/NFT switch.
- Orders, Transfer, Deposit and Withdraw pages are split by Crypto and NFT assets.
- Integrate OTC actions for orders.
- Profile show owned/created NFT products and collections.
- Various UI improvements around themes and responsive.
- Asset Info pages with various details about crypto, including history price, networks, tags, operations available and relevant links.
- Markets page with all available assets.
- Applications page with all available applications for users to integrate.
- Possibility to accept/reject access to platforms on your KYC details.
- Possibility to request users access to private KYC details.
- Team staff members receive email notification when a new Ticket is created for a platform entity related.
- Transparent theme available.
21 July 2022
- Kernel upgrade to latest version.
- Merge tokens in coin resources.
- Packages support where partners can define custom assets to be deceived at a custom price.
- Vesting balance support without any strategy in place (distribution will be made after strategy is defined).
- Bonus group endpoints to manage your order bonuses.
- Tickets group endpoints to create and reply tickets for your entities history.
- Platform connected revoke access to private KYC informations endpoint.
- Markets page massive performance improvements and some UI improvements.
- Integrate bonuses section.
- Integrate tickets section, along with inline integration in order history and other sections where entities are displayed as history.
- Profile Platforms actions (Private KYC, Lock and Unlink) and some small UI improvements over section.
- Integrate bonuses section.
- Integrate tickets section, along with inline integration in order history and other sections where entities are displayed as history.
- Possibility to revoke access to private KYC informations for 3th party Providers.
- Alert when no Phone verified for account.
- Integrate bonuses section.
- Integrate tickets section, along with inline integration in order history and other sections where entities are displayed as history.
- Access to KYC private informations in User sections as long as user provide access, with some visibility constrains.
- Display asset type in Assets section.
- Handle bonuses display at Quote confirmation page.
- Performance improvements when multiple assets are available.
- Switch payment operations.
- Handle bonuses display.
- Meta prefill support via query params.
- Support for second amount prefill.
- Add optional info attribute for meta fields.
16 June 2022
- Kernel upgrade to latest version.
- Switch XBT to BTC main symbol.
- More crypto and fiat rates providers included for redundancy.
- Company group endpoints to manage your companies from all over our ecosystem components.
- Invites group endpoints, linked with Company directors, shareholders and authorized persons.
- Stake group endpoints, to retrieve offers, enroll, stake and unstake.
- Include staked amounts in balance and currency endpoints.
- Include invites in permanent notifications.
- You can now switch as a Company/Person when trade your favorite crypto assets.
- If you are Admin on a Partner, you have the possibility to login at a glance from header User section.
- New Earn section, where you can stake your favorite crypto.
- Display min and max limits on Transfer, Withdraw and Earn sections.
- Integrate switch as a Company/Person as on App and and easy view all your Platform connections for Company or Personal.
- Transfer, Deposit and Withdraw sections, similar to App.
- Reposition ID action button.
- Create and manage your Company at ease, just like your Personal account.
- Reposition ME action button.
- Reposition ID and ME action buttons.
- Display user default phone in Users section.
- Display access to private details of particular user on Users section.
- IEN for Vesting is now available.
- Integrate account type step, so you can specify desired account type to be used, Personal or Business.
- Display error message when try to checkout with a locked user on a specific Platform.
- Integrate account type.
- Bring options for Partners to display custom messages for all operations.
20 May 2022
- Infrastructure upgrade components.
- Kernel upgrade to latest version.
- Endpoint to lock account.
- Continent is available on Country resource.
- KYC personal details new optional fields: countryOfBirth, cityOfBirth, nationality, usCitizen.
- New group endpoints under User, UserPlatforms, with endpoints to show linked platforms and options to lock and unlink.
- Fix a rare issue sending multiple login notifications when Two-Factor Authentication is enable.
- Add email as fallback for name display.
- Allow platforms lock and unlink actions.
- Add self lock and self delete sections in Security.
- Add email as fallback for name display.
- Display users KYC level in user section.
- Fix export CSV for resources when different entities sizes occur.
- Make user.first_name, user.last_name and user.dob optional in payload.
- KYC as a service is now available.
- Integrate KYC service.
- Remove name and date of birth.
20 April 2022
- Kernel upgrade to latest version.
- On all ecosystem components add meta theme color.
- Bring support for Vested assets with custom distribution strategies.
- If payment is not made in time, user will receive Order rejected email automatically.
- Update ecosystem menu to include Widget checkout gateway.
- Performance improvements over Currency endpoints.
- Vesting endpoints for Index and Show.
- Include Vesting in Order resource.
- Transfer now are under Guard protection if Two-Factor Authentication or Operations password are enabled.
- Transfer crypto assets between users.
- UI improvements for mobile on menu and balance section.
- Vesting section.
- Order history show Details, Meta and Vesting details when click on order row.
- Security section include Logs and Emails.
- Security score in user menu.
- Partner authenticate in your dashboard console at a glance with magic link from user menu.
- Unified sections title part.
- Order history show Details, Meta and Vesting details when click on order row.
- Security section has now options for Two-Factor Authentication, Operations password and Anti-Phishing.
- Security section include Logs and Emails.
- Improvements over API usage.
- Notification center is now available.
- Order history show Details, Meta and Vesting details when click on order row.
- Fixes for email header when template is Mix for Partner.
- Possibility to retrieve proprietary asset rate from custom URL.
- Fixes for some order filters.
- OTC mode display as badge for space considerations.
- Withdraw wallet shrink used space.
- Other accessibility improvements.
30 March 2022
- Kernel upgrade to latest version.
- Upgrade scripting language for improved JIT.
- Bring support for NFT assets.
- Support for withdraw Scale, as Single or Multiple orders, for NFT.
- Asset resource include now type: Coin, Token or NFT.
- Unified order history.
- Orders history display asset type at a glance.
- Orders, Quotes and Transfers history display asset type at a glance.
- Orders, Quotes and Transfers history display asset type at a glance.
- Customize visible Widget services and types, as well as preselections.
- NFT integration to handle operations.
- Bridge auto Withdraw after Deposit operation if no Guard enabled for user account.
- Improved Withdraw wallet change action UX and Reset to Original action if changed.
- Deposit step include both asset amounts for easy conversion, when operation is Trade or Swap.
- Bridge support to convert one asset from one Network to another.
- NFT integration to handle operations.
- Improved query params preselections for services and types.
- Improved precision based on operation type.
16 March 2022
- Kernel upgrade to latest version.
- Upgrade scripting language for better performance and more efficient memory usage.
- Availability of min and max values for Quotes, Transfers and Checkout, based on assets involved.
- Platform update order meta endpoint.
- Order history update for more relevant informations.
- Integrate meta fields update in Order section.
- Better User Experience over mobile on header section.
- Layout options as Compact and Expanded.
- Possibility to update orders meta fields if permission is granted.
- Display min and max available for each operation in Assets.
- Possibility to export filtered data for Users, Orders, Quotes, Transfers and Checkouts.
- Upgrade Transfer confirmation page to benefit of Wallet Networks at Withdraw.
- Performance improvements when multiple assets are available.
- Handle min and max values.
01 March 2022
- Kernel upgrade to latest version.
- Currency index and show endpoints output operations meta fields.
- Platform show endpoint output operations meta fields.
- Quote possibility to send meta informations for main and second operation if any.
- Order update meta endpoint based on meta key.
- Integrate meta fields update in Order section.
- Display meta fields available for operation in Asset section.
- Possibility to specify a desired text for each operation to be displayed in other ecosystem parts.
- Orders section has now collapsed extra details.
- Bring support for Withdraw to Owner operation in process order flow.
- Integrate meta fields in Payment section.
- Bring new options like services, type and link informations.
- Withdraw to Owner operation has got support as second order.
- Integrate meta fields for Withdraw and Withdraw to Owner operations.
18 February 2022
- Kernel upgrade to latest version.
- Guard Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) endpoints to check user code if enabled.
- Make visible ID link.
- Quote have now the possibility to submit second amount as "orderAmountPayment" property, instead of "orderAmount".
- Email and Phone are no longer obfuscated after create event (201 status).
- Phone Verify and Reverify endpoints improvements on new routes and deprecated old one.
- User menu integrate easy access to Me and ID components.
- Action Center available in Notification menu section.
- New ecosystem component to manage your personal and company details.
- Login support for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
- If there is any Order/Quote/Transfer/Checkout permanent notification available will be displayed as alert and as individual menu notification.
- Move all Profile details in new ID ecosystem component.
- Login support for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
- If there is any KYC permanent notification available will be displayed as alert and as individual menu notification.
- Login support for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
- Move all Profile details in new ID ecosystem component.
- Exchange operations (buy_with_crypto or sell_to_crypto) are now possible if available for a specific asset, preserving the same minimalistic look and feel.
- Multiple improvements around Second Order section.
08 February 2022
- Kernel upgrade to latest version.
- Emails integrate visible ID for more secure communication.
- Send Account Locked email when this action occurs.
- Phones are now globally obfuscated.
- Integrate Ecosystem menu.
- Profile section show relevant account informations.
- Lock Account from Security section and from Login Notification and Authorize Device emails.
- Display Notifications center and dedicated section for history.
- Send Login Notification email every time successfully logged in.
- Dashboard balance section more relevant informations.
- 2FA restrictions and improvements around inputs.
- Amoled theme.
20 January 2022
- Kernel upgrade to latest version.
- General fixes and improvements.
- Integrate in all emails Anti-Phishing code.
- Guard Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) endpoints to enable recommended protection for your account (initiate/confirm/disable).
- Guard withdrawal orders with account password endpoints (enable/disable).
- Anti-Phishing endpoint with a desired code.
- Email is now globally obfuscated.
- Corporate endpoints for companies to register in our platform (create/show/update/shareholders/directors/documents).
- Fix for restoring a deleted cards, bank or wallet.
- Quote Withdraw Order support for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) if enable by user.
- Update User Resource with new Guard properties.
- Update Asset Resource with precision.
- Update currencies endpoints to include available networks for deposit and withdraw operations.
- Redesign Header part for a better user experience.
- Redesign Dashboard section presenting more relevant informations.
- Create dedicated page for Deposit assets.
- Create dedicated page for Withdraw assets.
- Security section integrate Withdraw password and Anti-Phishing.
- Make sure asset precision is preserved globally in display.
- Integrate wallet Address Book to select faster wallet addresses.
- Second operation Withdraw now have visible operation fee, and receive with blockchain amount.
If this do not answer your questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!